Saturday, June 28, 2014

Quiz tools for teachers

This  is a great article with some awesome quiz tools for teachers. Thanks to for sharing this!

So, the very first one of these drills found on blubbr, captured and inspired me. This would be perfect for the family or the body parts unit.

Seriously. I've already made three quizzes for my online classes, and it's Saturday!  This one is great. It searches youtube for videos, and I can go in and make up questions for my students based on certain clips. Now, I would not do this for a grade, but these are short, easy practice activities that will give students comprehensible input….and hopefully a good laugh! Here is my first attempt. What do you think?

Socrative is a great quiz tool that teachers can use to quiz the entire class at once. Teachers can display results and questions on the overhead, and students use their tablet, computer, or cell phone to respond.

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